Sunday, May 30, 2010

stop 26: headshots

one of the many things i want to learn more about is portrait photography.  these are very amateurish but i need to start somewhere, right?

stop 25: Destination: Wildwood

Our second daytrip was to Wildwood- exit 4B on the Garden State Pkwy.- about an hour & a half drive away from home.  Today was the Annual International Kite Flying Festival.  

Saturday, May 22, 2010

stop 24: black & chrome

i can only imagine what it must be like to ride one of these. 
to feel the wind in my face and world rushing around me...

the Harley Davidson gallery 

stop 23: first daytrip of 2010

without much money to spend, i decided that i would take as many short daytrips as i can 
this summer. 
 a full tank of gas, a cooler-full of sandwiches & drinks, G, the boys & my alpha 350 - 
what do i need expensive vacations for? 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

stop 22: Fil-Am picnic images

God bless the Philippines and its' new leaders....hopefully, the dawn of a new beginning.

took a few snaps of this little girl while she was blowing bubbles.  chose this one that showed her carefully controlling her blowing to make a big bubble... didn't quite make it though :(

i was waiting to take some action shots of the volleyball game & snapped this one of the referee ( friend & Fil-Am Sports coordinator Bong Ulep) from the other side of the net.  

this shot was set against blue skies but looked more dramatic in b&w.  also somehow gives the illusion of slow motion...

he was just having fun running on the grass and attempting to get the kite airborne - without much success.  on the other end of the kite is the little boys' mom ...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

stop 21: back to basics

(these photos were taken with Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H9)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stop 20: my passions

(photo by Abigail Diaz)

(photo by Abigail Diaz)