Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stop 1: and so i begin

my first & brief brush with photography was in high school when i took an elective photography introductory class. i remember using a Pentax slr that was given to my father as sort of "payment in kind" from one of his clients. i was able to use it for the semester but for some reason, my father's client took it back and probably paid him with much more needed cash.
it was heartbreaking to not have the tool i needed for a growing passion. i then set my sights onto another love: tennis. it kept me busy for most of the rest of high school & college where i was fortunate enough to be in the varsity team. after college, i left for the united states and first thing i bought with my hard- earned money was, you guessed it, a Pentax SLR. i took lots of pictures until i realized how much it would be to have them all developed. ( to now i still have rolls of used film that never saw the darkroom ). i then bought myself a Minolta QT si Maxxum SLR. same story there.
then came digital cameras. i received a Sony DSC-T1 for christmas and i was hooked again- this time for good :) the very next year, i bought another camera, a Sony DSC-H9 - a step above my point & shoot but still not a dslr.
it has been 2 years since i've taken my first dslr photo with my Sony alpha 350 . my passion continues to build and my interest in learning grows with each picture i take. i realize that looking through the viewfinder makes me see more clearly the art that God has created and those that man has fashioned with the gifts he has been given.

one great thing about life is that there is so much to learn and that learning is essentially free. you just have to want it and give it a try. as life is a journey, so is learning. this is my journey - it will be my pleasure if you could join me even for a little moment....

the lighthouse lit


  1. Your photos are great! You have really developed an eye on the right subjects. Joannes

  2. Marla said......
    Thank you for sharing your talent, Jing-jing! I viewed and enjoyed every one of your photos. My favorite set, among others, is of mountains not molehills. Your pictures of Christmas ornamentwalking truly magical. Fall walking is another awesome collection. Baby pictures, puppy shots, portraits of the young pretty girl,...did I already mention the cutest puppy photos?....all were delightful and a joy to see.
    I also enjoyed reading the various quotations you posted! I look forward to seeing more of your art work, Dear.
    Big Hugs and puppy smooches,

  3. Thank you so much for taking time to view my photos Marla! Having people enjoy them make all the frustrations and challenges that come along with learning this art worth the while. Please keep coming back as i post more in the days to come. Hopefully they will get better as i become more experienced and skilled. I also hope to see more of your comments and insights as they give me much needed encouragement :)
    God bless & keep you always.
